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The information provided in your eLOA must be an exact match to the information on record with your previous carrier.


Step 1: Call or email support at (718) 942-9990 or

... to open a porting ticket.

In order to begin the porting process, you must connect with us to get the ball rolling. Without an open ticket, you will not be able to submit an eLOA form.

Step 2: Go to

This link will take you to Mongotel’s eLOA form. You do not need to print, download, or save this page (but it might save time in the future to bookmark it). Simply fill out the fields as described in this article and you will be good to go.


The average estimate is two to four weeks. That being said, many port-ins are successfully processed within two weeks. This is due primarily to factors outside of Mongotel’s control.


Having Trouble? Contact Support



Either we’re forgetting something or this process is just too simple. If you’ve encountered a problem, comment it here and we’ll get to work writing up troubleshooting steps to solve it. In the meantime, our Support Team will be happy to connect.

Call Contact us at (718) 942-9990, dial by dialing 611 on any Mongotel-programmed phone, or send an email to info@mongotelby emailing and we’ll get to work finding a solution that works for you the care you need ASAP. For anything other than service-related requests or issues, the team at stands ready to assist you.


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