How to Use Mongotel's Email-to-SMS Features

How to Use Mongotel's Email-to-SMS Features

Looking for answers in a hurry? Check out Cheat Sheet: How to Use Mongotel's Email-to-SMS Features.

The screenshots in this process come from Gmail, but you can use any major email provider. If you’ve received the cheat sheet in the SMS welcome email, then your email is compatible with our systems.

If you’ve already received the SMS welcome email, then congratulations! Your email is set up and ready to send and receive text messages (SMS and MMS). If you haven’t already enrolled but you’re looking to see if this service is right for you, contact Support. This article isn’t a convincing list of features but rather a quick step-by-step rundown of how this nifty process works once you’re enrolled.

Table of Contents

How to Send Email-to-SMS Messages

This system is designed for person-to-person messaging, not mass messaging. Although Mongotel imposes no limit on the number of texts you can send, sending too many texts in too short a time or too many texts with identical contents can result in the carrier blocking your number without informing either of us.

This is the process for sending text messages from your email. You can send either SMS or MMS messages. Here’s the difference between those two message formats:

  • SMS—Short Message Service messages are what most people refer to when they say the word “texting.”

  • MMS—Multimedia Messaging Service messages are text messages that include attachments (like pictures, videos, or audio files).

Step 1: Log in to the email address associated with your number’s email-to-SMS service.

Log in to whichever email provider you used to register for email-to-SMS services.

Step 2: Compose a new email.

In the account tied to Mongotel’s email-to-SMS services, click the button to compose a new email.

Step 3: In the To field, enter the 10-digit phone number of the person you’d like to text followed by “@sms.mongotel.com.”

Fill out the To field using the same format as shown in the example images above.

Step 4: Disregard the subject line of the email. It will not appear in the text message.

You can enter whatever you like in this field, but know that it will not appear in the text message. Text messages do not include subject lines. However, what you enter in this field will still appear in the Sent folder of your email.

Step 5: In the body of the email, type your text message. Consider removing your email signature when texting.

This will be the body of your text message.

Step 6 (Optional): Add attachments as JPG or PNG formats to send picture messages.

Mongotel’s email-to-SMS service includes the ability to send MMS messages, empowering you to send picture files in your texts. Just click the button to attach files, select your chosen pictures, and confirm.

Step 7: Send the email.

Click the Send button.

How to Receive SMS-to-Email Messages

To receive text messages in your email, all you have to do is check your inbox. You can even reply directly to those messages with Mongotel’s email-to-SMS service. Here’s how.

Step 1: Log in to the email address associated with your number’s email-to-SMS service.

Log in to whichever email provider you used to register for email-to-SMS services.

Step 2: Check your inbox for an email titled “SMS from [phone number] to [your number].”

The format for subject lines of incoming texts will be “SMS from [phone number] to [your number].” See the above image for an example of what this might look like.

Step 3 (Optional): To reply to that message as an SMS, reply to the email, entering the content of your text message in the body of the reply.

Click the Reply button, type up your text message in the body of the email, and you should be good to go!


And there you have it! Following these two processes, you should now have a seamless and easy-to-understand method of sending and receiving SMS and MMS messages.

Having Trouble? Contact Support or Try This Trick!

Our Support Team is always happy to connect. Contact us at (718) 942-9990, by dialing 611 on any Mongotel-programmed phone, or by emailing helpdesk@mongotel.com and we’ll get you the care you need ASAP. For anything other than service-related requests or issues, the team at info@mongotel.com stands ready to assist you.

In the meantime, here’s a self-service option that might provide an immediate resolution:

If the recipient isn’t receiving your messages, check your inbox to see if the email bounced. If so, check the email address to which you sent the message and compare it to the information listed in Step 3. If the email address doesn’t match, try editing the To field to make it match. If the problem persists, contact support.

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